Concerns Raised By Residents

Damaged grass verges – Northaw Road West  (Concerns raised  passed on to WHBC)
Concerns have been raised about the damage to the grass verges caused by parking.  Parking on the grass verges is an offence and Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council have been informed.   Hertfordshire Highways have also been asked to repair the damage to the grass verges because of the risk to pedestrians from the pot holes caused by vehicle tyres.
Pavement parking in Hill Rise, Cuffley and Northaw Road West  (Concerns about pavement parking have been raised and the Police have been advised)
We have received complaints about inconsiderate and dangerous parking on the pavement in Hill Rise leading to poor visibility and near miss collisions. We have also continued to receive complaints about cars parking along Northaw Road West  with all 4 wheels on the pavement which is an offence. The Police have been notified.   Please report all incidents of inappropriate parking to the Police – please see the leaflet below
Catalytic Converters
We have been asked to raise awareness regarding the theft of catalytic converters from parked motor vehicles. 
Events at Colesdale Farm
Complaints were received about noise and inappropriate behaviour from people attending the Zinfest event at Colesdale Farm.  Issues were reported to the Police.  We also received complaints from residents about noise from events at Colesdale Farm.  We keep a log of events at Colesdale Farm and are in consultation  with Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council.  If you are affected by noise please refer to our leaflet below on ‘noise’ for details about how to report it.
Did you know that some users of domestic CCTV systems need to comply with Data Protection laws? Concerns have been raised about domestic CCTV capturing images at neighbouring properties, in a manner felt to be intrusive.
If you have concerns about the use of domestic CCTV or are considering installing domestic CCTV, you can obtain helpful guidance from the Information Commissioners Office. Visit and click on the tab headed ‘your data matters,’ you will then see  further headings, one for people using domestic CCTV systems and the other for people being filmed by them
Dog Noise
Disturbance caused to residents from dogs barking late at night. If dog noise, or indeed any other form of nuisance noise affects you, please refer to our leaflet below on ‘noise’ for details of how to report it.
M25 Road Surface Noise
Noise from the M25 Road surface. If you are affected by noise from the motorway you can report this by sending an email to
Fly Tipping
Fly tipping has been reported at several locations in Northaw and Cuffley. Please view our guidance document on how to report fly tipping.
Find below some handy leaflets we have produced to help with the ongoing issues
Are You Affected By The Cuffley Odour?
Dog Fouling- Public Areas & Footpaths
Enjoy the outdoors but
– Be tick aware-
Illegal Parking Offences
Illegally Parked On Verges
Reporting Fly Tipping
Reporting Road Maintenance Issues
Water Leaks
Herts Advice and Support
Who to call