We campaign alongside the Parish Council and SCANGB to preserve our green belt for future generations
NCRA Membership kept informed of the latest developments by email
Residents of Northaw and Cuffley have been telling us that they were not aware of proposed sites for development because they were not members of the NCRA. To receive emails and keep up to date with local issues – PLEASE JOIN US!
To renew your membership or become a new member please click on the ‘join us’ tab or complete the leaflet that came through your door and return it to us.
The Welwyn and Hatfield Local Plan
NCRA Respose to the Local Plan
A 38 page response to the Local Plan has been submitted to Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council with copies emailed to our Borough Councillors. You may download a copy of our response here – NCRA Call for Sites Response
The Draft Local Plan was submitted to the Secretary of State for examination in May 2017. The independent Inspector, Melvyn Middleton BA (Econ), DipMgmt MRTPI was appointed to examine the plan and he has asked the council to investigate if there is any scope for additional housing sites to be identified because the Draft Plan does not meet the objectively assessed housing needs.
Welwyn Hatfield Council carried out a Call for Sites in January and February 2019. Over 140 sites were suggested for housing, employment, mixed use or other forms of development.
Welwyn Hatfield Council invited comments on these sites through the Call for Sites consultation which was concluded in June 2019.
NCRA Response to EX156 and EX 160
View our response to a request to comment on the proposed developments on these two sites by clicking this link EX156
Below are a few examples of previous planning applications the NCRA has fought together with the Parish Council, SCANGB and Northaw Action Group (NAG)
LAND to the EAST of FIRS WOOD CLOSE, NORTHAW Application 6/2019/1370/MAJ An application was denied for 26 dwellings and associated access.
HILL VIEW FARM Application 6/2019/1534/LAWE A certificate of lawfulness for the existing use of farm fields for summer car boot sales held on Sundays for more than the 14 days a year was refused.
LAND ADJACENT TO 26 STARLING LANE CUFFLEY Application 6/2018/2258 and 6/2018/0764 Applications for a bungalow and a single dwelling were refused.
COLESDALE FARM 6/2019/0882/OUTLINE A planning application was submitted for 38 dwellings to be built within the green belt adjacent to Colesdale Farm.
WOOD GREEN TIMBER COMPANY, Coopers Lane, Northaw, Potters Bar EN6 4NE – Appeal Ref: APP/C1950/W/18/3214189 An appeal to reduce the racking structures to 4 metres was refused
WOODLANDS 6/2019/0816/PN3 – Land adjacent to Woodlands, Coopers Lane Road, Northaw, Potters Bar, EN6 4DJ. An application was refused for approval for the erection of 3 x agricultural buildings measuring 15.4 metres in length, 9.4 metres in breadth and 4.5 metres to ridge.
HOOK LANE NORTHAW – The developer withdrew their application for a Certificate of Lawfulness to build 3 cottages in Hook Lane, which is in the Green Belt.